We are very proud to present our new member on our board of directors Mr. Matej Imris

Mr. Matej Imris has replaced Ms. Maria Swartling as Scanarc Plasma Technologies AB representative on the board.
His background is in Metallurgy. In ScanArc he has worked mostly on the process side with ScanArc`s ArcFume process. At present Matejs focus is on business development, strategy, and sales. He says LimeArc is an interesting concept that could be a step into electrifying paper industry.
Plasma technology is a relatively old invention that is recently finding more potential applications since it represents an efficient and environmentally friendly way for converting electrical energy into hot gas. The technology can be implemented in industrial processes that have a need for hot gas produced without fossil fuels. A typical user has a classic fossil-based technology and is preparing for fossil-reducing process upgrades. Plasma technology may contribute to the global ambition to electrify industry.
We welcome Matej to the board for our future journey and businesses
Roland Lundqvist
LimeArc Process AB